Stainless Steel Grade 12X18H10T Sheet & Plates

Stainless Steel Grade 12X18H10T Sheet & Plates

Suppliers, Traders, Exporters and Stockists of 12X18H10T Grade Plates, 12X18H10T Grade Sheets

12X18H10T plate/Sheet is an excellent choice for applications where temperature approximately 900° C required.

12X18H10T Sheet Dimension Ranges

  • Width: 600mm~2030 mm
  • Thickness: 0.1~120.0 mm
  • Length: 300~6000 mm , Max 18000 mm

Chemical composition in % for grade 12KH18N10T (12Х18Н10Т)

C Si Mn Ni S P Cr Cu
max   0.12 max   0.8 max   2 9 – 11 max   0.02 max   0.035 17 – 19 max   0.3 (5 С – 0.8) Ti, остальное Fe

Mechanical properties of grade 12X18H10T Plate

Mechanical properties under Т=20oС for grade 12KH18N10T (12Х18Н10Т)

Assortment Dimension Direct. sT d5 y KCU Heat treatment
mm MPa MPa % % kJ / m2
Pipe cooling strain, GOST 9941-81     549   35      
Pipe hot strain, GOST 9940-81     529   40      
Bar, GOST 5949-75 to Ø 60   510 196 40 55   Guenching 1020 – 1100oC,Cooling air,
Wire, GOST 18143-72     540-830   20-25      
Forging, GOST 25054-81 to 1000   510 196 35-38 40-52   Guenching 1050 – 1100oC, water,
Sheet trick, GOST 7350-77     530 235 38     Guenching 1000 – 1080oC,Cooling water,
Sheet thin, GOST 5582-75     530 205 40     Guenching 1050 – 1080oC,Cooling water,
Sheet thin cold-worked , GOST 5582-75     880-1080   10      
Sheet thin, GOST 5582-75     740   25      

Application :

Steel 12H18N10Т (12Х18Н10Т)is used to make welded vessels for various industrial applications, and exhaust systems.

Welding :

Steel 12H18N10Т(12Х18Н10Т) has good weldability for manual and automatic welding. Wire of Sv-08H19N10B, Sv-04H22N10BT, Sv-05H20N9FBS and Sv-06H21N7BТ types is used for standard automatic welding with fluxes АN-26, АN-18 and for argon arc welding, and electrodes EА-1F2 type GL-2 are used for manual welding.